Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Monster Challenge - Final Fantasy Kaiju

Or challenge this week was to draw Japanese Kaiju!  I love Godzilla and Mothra a whole bunch, but I'm not that into the giant monster scene. I've been a Final Fantasy fan for a long time, so I decided to draw some of my favorite recurring monsters, the Cactuar, Tonberry, Flan and Ahirman. 

My computer is sort of dead at the moment, so I did this the old school way. Used watercolor, prisma color markers and pens of various colors (think there may even be a touch of colored pencil).  I haven't done a finished piece by hand in about 2 years, so it was definitely a challenge. Also, I remembered how much fun it is to get my hands dirty!

Monday, July 8, 2013

The Tarantino Challenge - Mrs. Mia Wallace

Hello and welcome to Scribble Nerds! I'm so excited to start doing these drawing challenges. I love Quentin Tarantino movies. They always have such a quirky and dark sense of humor, and his characters have that same air about them. Mia Wallace may be one of my favorites. It's hard to choose, but I could watch the Jack Rabbit Slims scene over and over and not get sick of it. My scribble was a sketch then drawn over in illustrator.

XO - Clare

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Tarantino Challenge - Miss Jackie Brown

Our first Scribble Nerd Drawing Challenge! YAY! The theme was "Draw a Tarantio Character", and I chose the bad ass Miss Jackie Brown.  Drawing a gun for the first time was a great experience and part of the reason I choose this character.  This piece was sketched and then redrawn in Illustrator.